Thursday 12 April 2012



I met her during my primary school back in the year around 1999-2004 and as I remember, I only realized her in our last year of primary school. For me, she is a quiet girl, shy, intelligent and adorable. That is the reasons that I fell in love with her at that time but she never know the true story. I only speak to her once in a blue moon as I a bit shy to her. At that time I don't know what is the true meaning of love. So, I said to myself, let it be, just let her go but if it is our faith to see other again I would not let the change go off easily. I will make sure she will be mine. Thus, after 7 years we are separated since the last day of our graduation day back in 2004, I meet  her in the social network call FB. When I see there is a friend request at my FB, I will check it first and if it is the person I know, then I will approve it, if not I will ignore it. But, this time it is a different scenario, she is the one who ask to be my friend in the FB and also she inbox me to tell me that it is her. My heart starts to beat faster as I never thought that I will see her again after we last met 7 years ago. I tell myself that maybe she already have a boyfriend and I am only her bestfriend. What a big deal, if she have already taken by someone else, it is not a big problem for me to be her bestfriend right. So, we inbox in FB, exchange phone number and always care with each other by sms. After a while, I realized that I am in love with her. She always give me advised when I am in trouble and share her problems with me too. Its a joy for me to have her in my life now. 

What is love?? that is a big question mark in my head at that time. After reading a lot of articles in the internet, now I know what is a true love is. For me a true love is someone who really care for you,love you as you do, understand with what you are doing, give space for you to do your thing and the most important part is they TRUST you. After a while, I make a big step by asking that whether she love me same as the way that I love her. She replies back with a great answer stating that she also loves me the way that I love her. So, we declare our love and promised to take care of it until the end of our life. She makes me to discover the meaning of true love and she's the one that my heart is searching for all this while.


The girl that I am talking about is her. Syairel Ena bt Wahab. Don't fall in love, SHE'S MINE OKK.. ^^ She is 19 for only 6 months more. hehe.. We started as a friend, then become best friend. Now we are lovers. She is the one who stole my heart and take care of it with full of her love and care. Although we are thousand miles separated (Pulau Pinang - Sarawak), but it is not an excuse for us to end this relationship. We trust each other very9 much. Everytime I went to attend my class, usually 7.30 am- 5.30 pm, I will miss her very much and always say that I am sorry because too busy with my study, homework and my coursework but she never gets angry with me. She give me full support to do my job as a student and also she will scold me if I never open my book (study) at night. wink3.. During my sports and leisure time, she will encourage me to do those things as she understands my life well. She is a great counselor and she is also my personal counselor instead. I love to see her smile and hear her laugh. We only went for our first date once and its a very great moment  for me as I can spent my day with her that day. The memory during our first date is still fresh in my mind. Everytime I am alone, I will flashback and remember every moment that we had spent together. I can still feel the punch at my right arm that she gave as she felt very ashame with my joke. hehe. We will texting when free and when we miss each other. The first time we met after 7 years is during her sister's engagement day. When I saw her walking towards me that day, I knew that she's the one who will fill my empty heart all this while. My heart beats faster and faster every seconds I talk with her. I felt  very happy that day and I told myself I must say those 3 words before someone else do. So, the moment of truth has arrived when I send her home after our first date which also the day she took her examination slip at her school. When we arrived in front of her house, I open the door and say those 3 special word. "SAYANG, I LOVE U"... She replies back by saying "YA, I LOVE U TOO" ^^ Then, I went home with a big smile on my face. =)

For me, although she is not my first one but I definitely will make her my LAST ONE who will be my wife and accompanied me throughout  my entire life. Amiiinnn... I AM TAKEN BY SYAIREL ENA BT WAHAB. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH SAYANG <3...^^ 


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